About the my journey:

"A Teacher Reborn" is a personal journey about my days and schooling onto becoming an elementary school teacher (called "pre-certification"). To understand the content of this material, start from the very beginning -- kinda like a book. Enjoy! LT Olson

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Chapter XXVI: The TEACH Grant

I just received an email which turned me down for a TEACH grant -- a grant that I depended on financially for when I graduate.  It claimed that the institution I attend -- Western Washington University -- does not participate in the program.  I just visited TEACH's website and it DOES list WWU as one of its participants.  I will call WWU this Monday and demand clarification.

I can not believe the complete turmoil I have gotten myself into in this program.  I have maintained a 4.0 GPA ever since Fall 2009 and it's still difficult to become a public school teacher in this state.  If there is such a high demand for highly qualified teachers, why is it difficult for those who possess exemplary academics skills to become one?  This program is more than I bargained for, but I am not giving up.  By far -- and for reasons I have not explained it in my blog thus far -- there were far too many obstacles preventing me from  successfully completing the program.  And by far, I've beaten them.  Every....single...one....of...them.  I will not give up and I don't care what others say.  I've come this far and although there are others who question "Why?" there are people who double those numbers that have said, "Just do it!"  I have listened to the latter -- my "cheerleaders", my TRUE friends, my supporters ever since I STARTED TO APPLY AT WWU

So...come Monday, I hope to hear something positive from WWU and that I am given a (financial) chance to continue to train as a highly qualified teacher.  For those who have already heard about this other tiny obstacle regarding the TEACH program -- we'll see and I'll keep you posted.

Sept. 01, 2010
I contacted the office and evidently, they can alter the exceptions at their discretion.  They said that they do not accept Post-Bacs into the TEACH program.  I am in total disbelief.  What a great way to discourage highly qualified teachers into the program -- or are they looking at those who are upper middle class?  Who knows.  I don't know where to go from here except to apply for scholarships like mad.

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