About the my journey:

"A Teacher Reborn" is a personal journey about my days and schooling onto becoming an elementary school teacher (called "pre-certification"). To understand the content of this material, start from the very beginning -- kinda like a book. Enjoy! LT Olson

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Chapter XXIV: Mid-Summer...

One class down two more to go and I'm done for the summer.  Classes aren't as tough as expected, but there is a lot of projects more than paperwork.  That's good...I love using the right side of my brain once in a while.  In IT class -- we've been learning to use programs such as Inspiration (graphic organizer) which is really cool, but we're only allowed to use it for free for 30 days.  That program cost approximately $800.  Then there's a video project; fun, but super time consuming.  The assignment calls for using pictures on the web and crediting them at the end. Voila! I got pictures -- tons of them -- and they're my personal ones that I used for my project.  It's simple, but heart warming in my opinion.  If interpretation is needed, it is about seeing the world in different colors, both literally and metaphorically. (Oh...that reminds me...I have another blog connected to this one:  it's just for testing my stuff.) It took me a lot longer to figure out how to post it on here than creating the video.  But eventually -- and obviously, I figured it out. 

(Note: I removed the video for safety reasons.  I will post a different one up later)

This is rather a short posting.  Nothing really exciting happening in any of my classes except for projects and lesson plans.  If I was inside a classroom with children and working with them, that would be a different story -- I'd be super chatty.  But lucky you -- who ever's eyes are here -- it'll be easy on your eyes.

I hope you enjoyed the video as much as I enjoyed making it.


August 2, 2010

I am adding a tid bit here.  That above video? Not due until the end of the quarter.  I'm quietly doing cartwheels in my head -- I am DONE with it!  Dr. J saw it and approves of it.  Lucky me, he told me that I may stay for only half of his class next Monday (woohoo!!). 

Remember how I said above that there's really nothing going on, hence, my short posting?  Well....heehee....last night in class, I got to do an impromptu presentation in front of my cohort.  Per Dr. J's request for a demo on Second Life, I showed my classmates what it's like to be in-world.  I was hoping and praying that there would be no stupid idiot -- aka "griefer" -- pop up on the screen naked with anything resembling phallicious objects which happens occasionally.  I spoke briefly about what to find inside this virtual world and also the pros and cons (see "ITT Article Reviews").  Because I've been on it for three years, I really had no idea where to start on a professiona/educational level.  Well...I tried.  There's just too much to discuss about what goes on in SL.  If anyone wants to know, download the program, and you will experience something that may be worthwhile (or not). 

Anyway, I was so glad that at least one person registered on SL.  I hope Lindsey will friend me on there and we can explore the world together.  I am preparing my Second Life land as a learning environment for teachers worldwide.  It is a small piece of land that I purchased on the game, but right now it's more for couples to dance on.  I also put up some vendor stalls to rent for potential designers; however, because I'm hardly active on there (darn PC -- need an upgrade), I'm unable to bring in any business.  I'm not sure, yet, but I may have to destruct my stalls and just use the land for leisurely and educational purposes.

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