About the my journey:

"A Teacher Reborn" is a personal journey about my days and schooling onto becoming an elementary school teacher (called "pre-certification"). To understand the content of this material, start from the very beginning -- kinda like a book. Enjoy! LT Olson

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chapter XXVIII: Assessment Drives Instruction

About last chapter.  I was angry and I'm leaving that post as is. It's part of my life and part of my challenge in going through this program.  Everything is fine now -- or is it. But I am gonna keep on going and not let anyone or anything stop me.  Teaching inside a classroom has always been a dream of mine.  ..By quitting, I am showing my children to give up when the going gets tough.  Right now, I'm showing them that when the going gets tough, get tougher and you will succeed. 

So...back to the subject at stake: my practicum...

I am trying something different.  This is much easier to do.  Pardon the delay -- it must be a blogging-thing.

I did not record the children as planned due to photo restrictions. Here's how my day went:

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