About the my journey:

"A Teacher Reborn" is a personal journey about my days and schooling onto becoming an elementary school teacher (called "pre-certification"). To understand the content of this material, start from the very beginning -- kinda like a book. Enjoy! LT Olson

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Chapter XXIII: Summer Session

The pizza party was on the 22nd of June and I actually did a pretty good job at hiding my emotions. The entire class touched me with a booklet of thank you cards. Prior to that day, I received thank you notes from each of my son's classmates for being their parent volunteer. That's two in one week. The students, teachers, and staff have been superbly supportive of my training and I can't wait to utilize it as a professional educator in a public school. But first, my internship. This is where the nitty-gritty is at and I certainly can't wait to experience that one. I am hoping that my "residence" will be at a school where I've always wanted to train at -- and hopefully, eventually work there as a teacher.  Unfortunately, that won't be until 2012.

This is a superbly tough program and it's not easy to become a "real" teacher.  Even though I feel ready to tackle my skills inside a classroom, I still have to wait.  There are so many things to wait for in life and it takes a lot of patience and perseverance to get there.  This so happens to be one of those things.  I hope I don't sound discouraging.  This is a long program if you're not prepared for basic educational skills.  Like Intermediate Algebra.  I don't want to go there because I'm still heartbroken by it.  There are options and whenever I hear "options", I go for it.  For now, I do intend to wait for my residency.  And that's fine by me.

I started my summer session classes and as always, they seem to be easy.  There's Instructional Technology part II, Assessment part II, and Social Studies.  These are classes that will teach me HOW to teach technology and Social Studies.  Assessment teaches me how to test, assess, and evaluate students.  The entire session runs through August and then we get about a month off until Fall session.  By then, we will have completed a year's worth of our studies. Whew!

My classes have been fun and interesting (as always).  I enjoy learning about how to build a rubric in Assessment class, how to use Inspiration in technology, and that Social Studies parallels Assessment and Essentials of Teaching classes (my poor teacher!).  In Technology, we are to create a blog; I am thinking of linking it to this one because they both deal with Education anyway.

July 3, 2010
Yes...I've posted this later than the actual date.  It has been an emotionally exhausting week and I'm still trying to recover.  I will not go there as it DOES NOT pertain to education.  But I do have to say this: I have just started a research blog linked to this blog.  I am really excited to share what I know in that other one and do more educational research in relation to technology. 

I was so excited that I already started it without my teacher's green light (Dr. J, if you're reading this, I'm terribly sorry! I had itchy fingers).  I am a blogger and love, love, love to write :).  I guess the assignment hit me hard in my weakest spot, so I couldn't keep my fingers off the keyboard.  I haven't looked over the entire syllabus, because if I ever find "photography" on there, I'll be headed there FIRST (just kidding, Dr. J!).  Promise, I'll listen this time.

Anyway, the first blogging assignment I chose was on Second Life.  And guess what? I am an active member on that virtual world.  So I haaaaaad to do it.  I take that back -- I waaaaanted to do it.  If you want to read up on it, I wrote a brief summary on my other blog.

I am ready to post now.

Til then.